Universal Professional WiFi OBDII 2 Car Auto Diagnostic Scanner Tool for IOS PC

Universal Professional WiFi OBDII 2 Car Auto Diagnostic Scanner Tool for IOS PC

  • R 400.42
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1. Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific, and display their meaning
(over 3000 generic code definitions in the database).
2. Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" Light)
3. Display current sensor data, including:
4. Engine RPM
5. Calculated Load Value
6. Coolant temperature
7. Fuel System Status
8. Speed of the vehicle
9. Short Term Fuel Trim
10. Long Term Fuel Trim
11. Intake Manifold Pressure
12. Timing advance
13. Intake Air Temperature
14. Rate of air flow
15. Absolute throttle position
16. Tensions oxygen sensor / short-term fuel trims associated
17. Fuel System Status
18. Fuel pressure
For adjustment cases
Go to Wi-Fi settings, look for the Wi-Fi connection called "WiFiOBD" and connect
Open your favorite application and connect to, Port 35000

Port: 35000
Range: 50pes (line of sight)
Antenna: Internal
Power Consumption: 0.75 Watts (with switch)
Wifi Standard: 802.11a / b / g
Operating temperature: -15 to 100graus Celsius
Plastic: Automotive Grade
Physical dimensions: 2,75x1,25x1,2polegadas

Support OBDII protocols:
1. ISO15765-4 (CAN)
2. ISO14230-4 (KWP2000)
3. ISO9141-2
4. J1850 VPW
5. J1850 PWM

Driver download:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9JH0slezVLFM2NrbFJaZmk0OFU

Pacakge Included:
1 X Car WIFI ELM327 OBD Scanner