UNO MEGA NANO MONSTER Ultimate Project Starter Kits for  Beginner LCDs LED

UNO MEGA NANO MONSTER Ultimate Project Starter Kits for Beginner LCDs LED

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Join the DIY and Robotics revolution with our UNO MEGA NANO MONSTER -Compatible Kit. These are toys for the future. 150+ parts and experiment with all the infamous -compatible boards (UNO R3, MEGA 2560, NANO), multiple shields, over 30 sensors, multiple servos and motors, voltage regulators, LCDs, Ethernet Shield, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, camera, radar and many other goodies.
This insane kit has the tools and parts for you start learning home automation and security, connecting sensors via internet, talking to and sensors through wireless communication and many other applications of .

Package included:

-Compatible Boards

1x UNO R3 Board for + USB Cable (Tested and Working!)
1x MEGA2560 Board for + USB Cable (Tested and Working!)
1x NANO V3 Board for + USB Cable (Tested and Working!)


1x UNO R3 Protoshield + Solderless Breadboard (Goes On Top of Protoshield)
1x 1602 Blue LCD Keypad Shield
1x W5100 Ethernet Shield & SD Card Adapter
1x L293D Motor Drive Expansion (Drive Up to 2 Stepper Motors & Servos)


1x Soil Moisture Sensor and Hygrometer (PCB and Jumper Wires Included)
1x 1-Key Touch Sensor
1x GY521 3-Axis Gyro
1x GY273HMC5883L Magnetic Field Sensor & Compass
1x GY68 Pressure Sensor
1x GY61 3-Axis Accelerometer
1x GY-30 Light Intensity Sensor
1x Hall Effect Sensor
1x RC522 RFID System
1x Micro SD Storage Board and Shield SPI
1x MQ3 Alcohol Sensor
1x MQ9 Combustible Gas Sensor
1x IR Flame Sensor
1x HC-SR501 Motion Sensor
1x Rain + Snow Level Sensor
1x USB Charger Doctor
1x Infrared Remote Control Kit (Remote + IR Receiver)
1x ISD1820 Voice Recording and Payback Module + Speaker
1x Sound Sensor (Voice Detection/MIC)
1x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
1x PS2 Joystick Controller
1x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
1x HB100 Doppler Radar
1x IR Obstacle Detection Sensor
1x Motor Speed Counter/ Groove Coupler Sensor
1x Rotary Encoder

LCDs & Display

1x 1602 LCD w/ Blue Backlight HD44780
1x 2004 LCD w/ Blue Backlight HD44780
1x MAX7219 8x8 Matrix Red Dot Display (Easy to Use)
1x Small Red 1-Digit 7-Segment Display
1x OV7670 SCM Camera Module for

Wireless & Bluetooth

1x ESP8266 Wifi Transceiver 802.11 bgn
1x HC-05 RS232 Bluetooth Module
2x NRF24L01 2.4Ghz Wireless Communcation Module


3x 7x5CM Prototyping Perf Board

Buttons & Switches

3x Small Tactile Button (Breadboard Friendly)
1x 4x4 Button Matrix
5x Large Tactile Blue Button (Breadboard Friendly)
2x 3-Pin Slider On-Off Switch (Breadboard Friendly)


1x 5V 1A Power Supply
1x 5.5x2.1MM Electrical Power Jack

Servos & Motors

1x 16-Channel Servo Controller
2x 5V DC Toy Hobby Motor
2x SG90 9g Tower Pro Servo + Servo Arms + Screws
2x 5V Stepper Motor
2x ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
3x EasyDriver Stepper Motor Driver A3967

Relays & Voltage Regulators

1x 1-Channel 5V Relay
1x 4-Channel 5V Relay
1x LM1117 5V Step Down Voltage Regulator (15V Max Input)
1x LM1117 3V Step Down Voltage Regulator (15V Max Input)
1x LM2596 Step Down Buck Converter (40V Max Input)

LEDs & Stuff

1x 1W Super Bright Blue LED
1x 1W Super Bright Yellow LED
1x 1W Super Bright White LED
1x 1W Super Bright Green LED
1x 1W Super Bright Red LED
3x Signal Green LED
3x Signal Red LED
3x Signal Yellow LED
3x 5MM Bright White LED
3x 5MM Bright Red LED
3x 5MM Bright Green LED
3x 5MM Bright Blue LED
3x 5MM Bright Yellow LED
3x RGB (red blue green) LED
20x 220 Ohm Carbon Film 5% Resistor
10x 1k Ohm Carbon Film 5% Resistor
10x 10k Ohm Carbon Film 5% Resistor
1x 5x Photoresistor
1x Piezo Buzzer
1x 74HC595 8bit Shift Register
1x NPN High Power TIP122 Transistor
1x MOSFET Transistor
1x Ball/Tilt Angle Switch
1x 5V 650nm Red Dot Laser Diode
1x 9V Battery Connector and Jack
2x 0.1uF Ceramic Disk 104 Capacitor
2x 65 Pcs Breadboard Male-Male Jumper Cables
2x 40 Pcs 20CM Female-Male Jumper Cables
2x 720 Point Large Solder-less Breadboard
1x 1k Large Rotary Potentiometer (Breadboard Friendly)
1x 10k Large Rotary Potentiometer (Breadboard Friendly)
2x 104 10K Mini Vertical Trimmer Potentiometer (Breadboard Friendly)
1x 40 Pin 2.54MM Male Header
1x 40 Pin 2.54MM Male Angled Header