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Waveshare Compute Module 3 Expansion Board Compatible for Arduino Compute Module IO Board V3
Waveshare NB-IoT/eMTC/EDGE/GPRS/GNSS Expansion Board 4G Communication SIM7000C NB-IoT HAT For Arduino/STM32
Waveshare Micro SD Card Module Storage Development Board SD Card Holder Reader Module
Waveshare EEPROM AT24C04 AT24 EEPROM Development Board AT24 Storage Module
NFC Shield V2.0 with PN532 13.56MHz Near Field Communication NFC Shield V2.0 PN532 Credit Card Expansion Board
10Pcs ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DS18B20 Temperature WiFi Wireless Node Module Internet of Things
5Pcs ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DS18B20 Temperature WiFi Wireless Node Module Internet of Things
2Pcs ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DS18B20 Temperature WiFi Wireless Node Module Internet of Things
3Pcs ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DS18B20 Temperature WiFi Wireless Node Module Internet of Things
20Pcs ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S DS18B20 Temperature WiFi Wireless Node Module Internet of Things
GPRS Shield V3.0 GSM/GPRS SIM900 Expansion Board Quad Band Support TCP/UDP Low Power Consumption
Seeeduino WiFi Shield V2.0 with RN171 TCP/IP Module Supports TCP UDP FTP HTTP Communication Protocols
Seeedstudio Blueseeed LE Shield HM11 Serial bluetooth Module Expansion Board HM-11 Module
RS232 Shield with DB9 Connector RS232 Standard Communication Port for Industry Equipment
Seeedstudio Blueseeed Shield V2+EDR Expansion Board HM01 Serial bluetooth Module
2.7 Inch Triple-Color E-Ink Shield 264x176 Pixel with White/Black/Red Color
Relay Shield v3.0 4CH Channel Large Relay Expansion Board
W5500 Ethernet Shield Ethernet Controller Expansion Board IoT Solution built-in Grove Connectors for I2C and UART
20Pcs Geekcreit ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S WS2812 RGB LED Lamp Module Support for IDE Programming
10Pcs Geekcreit ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S WS2812 RGB LED Lamp Module Support for IDE Programming
5Pcs Geekcreit ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S WS2812 RGB LED Lamp Module Support for IDE Programming
2Pcs Geekcreit ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S WS2812 RGB LED Lamp Module Support for IDE Programming
3Pcs Geekcreit ESP8266 ESP-01 ESP-01S WS2812 RGB LED Lamp Module Support for IDE Programming
5Pcs Motor Driver Shield L293D Module For Arduino Duemilanove Mega UNO
10Pcs Mega2560 1280 Protoshield V3 Expansion Board With Breadboard For Arduino
Wemos RTC DS1307 Real Time Clock + Battery Shield For WeMos D1 Mini Development Board
10Pcs Wemos Tripler Base Socket V1.0.0 For WEMOS D1 Mini
5Pcs Wemos DataLog Shield For WeMos D1 Mini RTC DS1307 Micro SD with Pin Headers
3Pcs Wemos WS2812B RGB Shield Module For WeMos D1 Mini
5pcs Wemos Battery Shield V1.2.0 For Wemos D1 Mini Single Lithium Battery Charging & Boost Module